BREATHING YOGA… Energising Mind and Body
Discover Power of Yoga Breathing
Dr Doja’s Vital Life Care
Discover Power of Yoga Breathing
BREATHING YOGA… Energising Mind and Body
Book an Online Breathing Yoga
Dr Doja Purkit M.D. is a leading expert in the field of Alternative Medicine and has served as a consultant at the London Hale clinic. At the age of 21 he realised his mission to understand the human body, contentment, and wellness. Understanding the need for a complete holistic approach, he studied all the realms of Alternative Medicine – from Ayurveda, to Acupuncture. Accumulating all of this knowledge, Dr Doja Purkit designs and creates unique treatments, retreats, and products.He founded Doja Vital Life Care, a clinic and product line dedicated to natural health, beauty, and wellbeing using the science of Ayurveda and herbal medicine. Doja Purkit believes that good health belongs to you and is your birth righ
Breathing is first job of life. Breathing Yoga has been dated in human history for 5000 years. Daily Breathing helps to achieve the perfect stability and health in your mind, body and soul. Breathing exercises has been scientifically proven to have beneficial effects on both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems and has a correlation with sharing a long healthy life.
The Benefits of Yoga Breathing
·Rejuvenation of the Cells
Energizing the mind and body
· Reduces Anxiety, Fear and Stress
· Boosting Immunity and fewer cold and cough
· Promoting Good Sleep and healthy blood pressure
· Improvement in Memory and Inspiration of life
· Helps to Prevent fever, headache and skin problems
· Helps to Cope aches and pain and improves lung function
· Cultivation and Growth of Peace and Internal Happiness.
Phone: 07703538928
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Disclaimer: we do not make any health benefit claims. For Medical advice consult your doctor and qualified health professional before taking herbs.
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