Ultimate Liver Detox Cleansing….healthy liver, good health and long life
Ultimate Liver Detox Cleansing
The Ideal way to good health and long life
Liver Detox Cleansing is the elimination of toxins from the cells, and repair and restores health. Liver Detox has been dated in human history for 5000 years. Regular Liver Cleansing helps to achieve the perfect stability and health in your mind, body, and soul. Liver Detox Cleansing has been authentically proven to have beneficial effects on the cellular rejuvenation, digestive, lymphatic, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems and restores liver functions, and preserves long life
Liver: The liver is a complex organ with several vital functions, acting as a housekeeper and poison-control center. It is the largest organ in the body and weighs approximately 1.5 kilograms. The liver is essential for digestion; regulates cholesterol and hormone levels; metabolizes fats, proteins, and carbohydrates; store vitamin, enzymes, iron, and minerals; and detoxifies the blood
Liver Functions include:
- Detoxification of blood
- Bile secretion
- Food metabolism, making proteins available to the cells
- Storing iron and vitamins
- Producing plasma protein
The liver is a vital organ we are not able to live without. It performs a command role for the entire system, with the mind sending messages to the liver to produce material to heal the system. The heart has the job of pumping the blood, but it cannot do its job effectively if it does not receive an adequate blood supply from the liver. After digesting food, the liver decides which material it needs to send around the body to help heal the system. When the liver is overloaded with toxins, chemicals, fats deposits, pollutants, improper food, repressed emotions, and unhealthy habits the liver function abnormally and creates a weakness in the liver.
Symptoms of Weak Liver:
- Loss of Appetite, constipation, diarrhoea
- Poor digestion, acidity, bloating, and sluggish metabolism
- Pain and nausea after eating oily and fatty foods
- Pain behind right ribs and shoulder and joint pain
- Skin and eyes become dull and yellowish and poor taste
- Hormonal imbalances and dark urine color
- Nausea, vomiting and pale stool color, and stomach pain
- Skin rash, itching, acne, eczema, and psoriasis
- Chronic Fatigue, weak emotion, anger, and frustrated
- Swelling legs and ankles and Puffiness above eyes
- Tendency to bruise easily, dull and foggy mind, and unable to sleep.
If the above symptoms remain prolonged, then it leads to illness and aging. Regular Liver detox cleansing helps to eliminate toxins, prevent illness and preserve long life. It takes 4 to 6 weeks. The best time to detox is whenever you may experience the above symptoms.
The ideal food for liver detox cleansing is kichiri. India has used it for many centuries to restore health and well-being. Kichiri is known as holy food in India. It is very simple and easily digestible full of protein, carbohydrates, and nourishing food. It’s a complete food, it helps to detox and cleanses the liver. Its supports healthy digestion, and weight loss, and improves digestive problems such as acidity, indigestion, gas, and bloating whilst also encouraging healthy elimination, improvements in mental clarity, memory, emotional balance, and energizing mind.
How to make Liver detox cleansing Kichiri:
Preparation time: 15 minutes; cooking time: 35 minutes
Serves two
- 1 tablespoon of olive
- 1 tablespoon of finely chopped red onion
- Small cinnamon stick (e.g., 1 inch)
- ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder
- 1 bay leaf
- 4 to 5 whole black peppercorns
- 1 teaspoon cumin seed, 1 teaspoon fenugreek
- 1 cup of soaked Basmati or red rice
- Half a cup of soaked mung dhal
- 1 teaspoon of salt (or according to taste) Methods: In a pan, heat the oil and add cumin seed; once it crackles, then add the fenugreek seed and onion.
Allow the onion to go brown, add the whole dry spices or PRANAA khichri spice and stir it
Add the soaked rice and mung beans and mix well
Add 3 cups of water and salt to taste
Cover and allow to simmer for 15 minute
Ready to eat kichiri then garnish with coriander leaf. Eat with boiled carrot and beetroot
# Kichiri rice and spice mix and products orders please call 07703 538 928/www.dojapurkit.com
Liver Detox Cleansing Diet Plan:
Before Breakfast
Drink 1 to 2 glasses of warm water
Pranaa detoxing tea
Eat Papaya
Cooked moong beans or green sprouted lentils
SOOKTYN tablet 2 tablets after breakfast
Steam vegetables are of two types. Broccoli, French beans, carrot, beetroot, cabbage, courgette, and pumpkin
Liver Tonic cleansing tablet two tablets 20 minutes after lunch
Rice and lentils cooked together (the Indian dish known as kichiri rice mix)
Liver Detox Cleansing Therapy:
It’s a unique therapy based on Ayurvedic massage, herbal liver pack application on the liver and stomach area, vital liver detox point massage, and breathing yoga. which helps to cleanse the liver, restores and strengthen liver function. Also, improves your eyes’ vision and brightens skin and builds strong motivation, and reduces anger and frustration.
Duration of therapy: 40 to 60 minutes
Liver Remedies:
- Triphala tablet two tablets 1 hour before sleep – to eliminate toxins from the intestine
- Detoxing Tea: 1 cup before breakfast – promotes detoxing and helps to eliminate toxin
- Kichiri rice mix – Nourishing the mind and body.
- Sooktyn Tablet – liver and stomach cleansing
- Liver Tonic tablet – detox and cleanse the liver and restores liver functions
Good Foods for Liver:
Suitable good foods include:
o Ripe papaya (pawpaw) for breakfast
o Milk-thistle herb
o Cooked green papaya at lunchtime
o Reduce intake of deep-fried foods
o Drink beetroot juice, fenugreek tea, or sage herbal tea
o Drink one glass of fresh sugar-cane juice
Risk Factors:
Factors that may increase your risk of liver disease include:
- Heavy alcohol use
- Obesity
- Type 2 diabetes
- Tattoos or body piercings
- Injecting drugs using shared needles
- Exposure to other people’s blood and body fluids
- Unprotected sex
- Exposure to certain chemicals or toxins
- Family history of liver disease
- Drink alcohol in moderation.For healthy adults, that means up to one drink a day for women and up to two drinks a day for men. Heavy or high-risk drinking is defined as more than eight drinks a week for women and more than 15 drinks a week for men.
Avoid risky behavior. Use a condom during sex. If you choose to have tattoos or body piercings, be picky about cleanliness and safety when selecting a shop. Seek help if you use illicit intravenous drugs, and don’t share needles to inject drugs.
Get vaccinated. If you’re at increased risk of contracting hepatitis or if you’ve already been infected with any form of the hepatitis virus, talk to your doctor about getting the hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines.
Use medications wisely. Take prescription and non-prescription drugs only when needed and only in recommended doses. Don’t mix medications and alcohol. Talk to your doctor before mixing herbal supplements or prescription or nonprescription drugs.
Avoid contact with other people’s blood and body fluids. Hepatitis viruses can be spread by accidental needle sticks or improper clean-up of blood or body fluids.
Keep your food safe. Wash your hands thoroughly before eating or preparing food. If traveling in a developing country, use bottled water to drink, wash your hands, and brush your teeth.
Take care with aerosol sprays. Make sure to use these products in a well-ventilated area, and wear a mask when spraying insecticides, fungicides, paint, and other toxic chemicals. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
Protect your skin. When using insecticides and other toxic chemicals, wear gloves, long sleeves, a hat, and a mask so that chemicals aren’t absorbed through your skin.
Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity can cause non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Lifestyle and Home Rituals:
Changing certain lifestyle habits can often help improve your liver health:
- No Drink of alcohol and refine sugar
- Avoid red meat, fatty and oily foods processed carbohydrates, and foods with high-fructose corn syrup.
- Exercise 30 to 60 minutes around three to four times a week at a moderate intensity. The ideal exercise is a regular walk.
- Massage 100times Liver 3 Acupressure points
- Cut calories by 500 to 1,000 calories daily, if you’re overweight.
The Benefits of Liver Detox:
- Rejuvenation of the Cells
- Restores and Stimulates liver functions
- Reduces anxiety, depression, fatigue, and Stress
- Boosting Immunity and fewer colds and cough
- Promoting Good Sleep and healthy blood pressure
- Reduce Acidity, bloating, indigestion and lumps
- Helps hormonal problems and skin problems
- Helps to Cope with aches and pain and improves liver function
- Cultivation and Growth of Peace and promote healing power. Contraindications:
Avoid during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, high anxiety, stress or insomnia, and extreme emotional stress. If you suffer severe health problems or are on medication. Please consult your doctor before starting any detox cleanse.
Advice on Liver Detoxing cleanse plan, diet chart, meditation, and yoga exercises
For more details, please call 07703 538 928 www.dojapurkit
Our responsibility is to stay healthy and keep our families and friends healthy as well. If you need any ayurvedic products or advice on meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, self-care massage, and diet plans. Please make an appointment which will be available on the clinic, Skype, or video call
Be Healthy
Stay safe
Take care
Dr. Doja Purkit
Phone: 07703 538 928
Disclaimer: we do not make any health benefit claims. For Medical advice consult your doctor and qualified health professional.